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The Tribe's Cave-Guards have pushed and rolled heavy stones into place along the border between Tribe land and Clan land, and this is the only way they choose to mark their territory. The placement of the stones is obvious, and like passing through a ring of teeth - an arrogant Clan cat will find themselves bitten. Travelers have free passage and are free to hunt as they like.

The Lead Cave-Guard inspects the Ring of Teeth. If necessary, the Lead Prey-Hunter may put other prey-hunters to the task of chasing down intruders, with a protective force of Cave-Guards in tow.

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Only a bird’s eye view could see the way the wet, coniferous marshland makes a distinct change into dryer, deciduous climes. But on the ground level, the differences are still noticeable; the earth under claw is dryer, the vegetation requires far less moisture and the hard-barked flanks of trees have a wider variety of shades. Birch, beech, oak, maple. A stray pine that cares nothing for old borders. With arbors of different colors and different heights, the wood path is the remains of a place trodden flat by many hooves - a frequent trail for deer as well as other creatures. After the effects of the earthquake, the ground is littered with tree limbs; some as thick as a cat’s body, some thin as a claw and easily breakable under foot.

Border between MistClan and GorgeClan. Currently owned by ?.

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A shallow path that weaves serpentine through the moorland was once a creek - but it is now all dried up with its former water source cut off. Over time, this dip may become overrun with grasses like the rest of the moor, but for now it is a reminder of what once was. Thick grasses surround the dried creek bed, providing hiding spots for prey and an ideal spot for certain herbs to grow.

Border between GorgeClan and GaleClan. Currently owned by ?.

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Surrounded by thick grass and several scattered pine trees lies a small pond that's only a few fox-lengths wide but which makes up for it in length. Among the grasses of the pond is softer, peaty land - this is clearly where the moorland blends into a marshland. The pond is an area flourishing with life; the croaking of frogs can be heard, along with the buzzing of insects, the chattering of birds, and the rustling of grasses. This is a great resource for many things - water, prey, and herbs.

Border between MistClan and GaleClan. Currently owned by ?.



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last post by Fate Admin
May 2, 2020 16:20:35 GMT -5