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At the place where the stream once cut through the forest, the stream now flows down into the gorge, forming a trickling waterfall. It is too steep and too slippery to climb down, but what was left of the stream at the top of the ravine was shallow enough for cats to cross safely. The stream at the crest of the waterfall is a popular place for prey to gather, making this a rich hunting location.

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A massive tree that was once the home of a Clan of the past now creates a huge, sturdy bridge that easily stretches from one side of the forested territory to the other. Many of the strong, wide branches also descend into the gorge below, offering a relatively safe and easy passage down toward the land at the bottom. This great, powerful tree still serves as a protection for the cats who live in this forest - but now it is the protection of a safe crossing.

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The trees here melt into undergrowth that grows thicker and thicker - so thick it is clear one is entering an area that feels ancient and mysterious. The undergrowth here has created a thicket that is threaded with the thick roots and branches of powerful trees. There is an opening that a cat can push through, and within there is a small clearing sheltered (and quite hidden by) this thicket. At its center is a relatively short, but powerful and sprawling tree whose branches have aided the undergrowth in keeping this area so effectively hidden. Too small for a large predator to squeeze through, it's an ideal hiding place as well as a perfect area for training apprentices.

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Descending into the gorge from the Great Maple Bridge reveals a wooded area below, where the rolling hills contain scattered forests that appear to be prey-rich. However, further north lies the location for which the area is named - a place where it's obvious mountain meets forest. A broken cascade of enormous stone slabs are piled dizzingly high - higher than the edge of the grassy slope above. Trees - some broken, some surprisingly fully intact - scatter the area, with a few determined ones poking between the cracks of the sheer rock edges, giving the appearance the trees have grown straight through the stone itself. The violent edges of stone are surrounded on both sides by the narrowing ravine edges. This is where the base of the gorge ends - with a climb.

There are the reassuring sounds of prey moving between the crevices of the enormous rock pile. This place would be good for hunting as well as climbing or potentially a unique place to train. If a cat is careful, they can scale the rift on careful and nimble paws until they reach the edge of the slope a few fox-lengths from the ground. From there, they can ascend the grassy slope to level ground, where the rest of the forest promises richer life.

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A keen ear might notice that the birds have do not sing in this area, and the noises of prey in the undergrowth disappear. The clearing here is a beautiful sight - but also an oddly eerie one. The area is lush with undergrowth and thick leafy bushes blooming with small white flowers, but there are no signs of prey moving about in the immediate area. The clearing is surrounded by narrow, spindly trees - many of them fallen or in splinters from the earthquake, but even these cannot hide the strangeness that hangs heavy here. A couple pawsteps in the meadow and one will realize immediately why this place is so still, as if the whole forest holds its breath here. Bones are littered underneath the greenery, the only remains of lives once lived. Many of them are prey bones, but to the trained eye it will become apparent that others are large avian and even feline. Somewhere, perhaps even Demon's bones lay forgotten in this meadow. One thing is for sure - this place is a graveyard.

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The woods here grow quieter and lusher, and a thoughtful and comforting kind of quiet lays over the area like a blanket. Moss coats the forest floor, and thick ferns and soft-leaved bushes grow abundantly, giving the impression one is walking through a purely green world. The trees here grow sturdier and hold a quiet, humble power to them. This is a sanctuary untouched by the devastation of the earthquake, a place where time stands still. The trees are so old and powerful that moss grows on them and along the branches themselves, providing a thick and protective canopy. Among the sprawling roots and green vegetation is also a variety of herbs. The peaceful stillness of these woods makes one feel that StarClan is close here. Perhaps this is the one place they were able to protect.

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A heavy stream, fresh and clear from the mountains, tumbles down over treacherous looking rocks - far too dangerous and slippery for any sensible cat to try to traverse. But at the end of the stream, where it flows right into a den-like hole in the ground, cats can gather along the sloped stream banks to drink up or even soak some moss to carry back with them. But be careful! The banks are decidedly slick, and anyone not cautious of their footing is liable to slip into the water and disappear into the hole! From there, the Shaded Drop earns its name by sending the helpless cat tumbling over a small waterfall and flinging them into the pool at the bottom! Cats who find themselves at the bottom of this hidden cavern can get out easily enough, it just involves an unpleasant trek through the back of the cavern.

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Here the trees become sparse until they open into moorland. But just before that is a grassy hill that's resplendent with tall, colorful flowers that wave gently in a light breeze. This hill is where the moorland begins, stretching below in all its golden, wind-blown glory. There is not much here beyond the flowers, lovely as they are, but it is these flowers that have life-or-death significance. Though pretty to look at, a cat with any herb knowledge would know this is one of the deadliest plants known to cats. Even a playful nibble from one of the flowers would leave a full-grown cat vomiting, weak, and quivering. More than a nibble would lead most surely to death.

Still, the stalks are too tall for prey to reach, so it rustles through the growth here with little care. Other herbs grow among the deadly foxglove, but not many, as if the tall plant is determined to strangle out its competition. Closer to the northern edge of the area is a scattering of rugged boulders that create a nice vantage point from which most of the moorland is stretched out as far as you can see.

GorgeClan Territory

GorgeClan Territory

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created by Fate Admin
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last post by Fate Admin
May 2, 2020 16:20:35 GMT -5