The Essentials

The Essentials

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Welcome to Fate - we're thrilled to have you here! We are a Warriors RP set in an alternate universe, where the five traditional Clans traveled to a valley with absolutely no human influence. It is this valley they found their home, and remade themselves. This board is where you will find everything you need to know about the site, including the rules, various guides on lore and registration, our condensed timeline of important events, references for ceremonies and herbs, and much more. Please make sure you read through all the required information on this board before registration! Click the above link site guide to access all our essential information.

And, of course, if you have any questions, our staff are more than happy to help! All staff can be contacted through either PM or on Discord.

540 threads / 1,096 posts
Server Icon Challenge [Ongoing Event] BY Katara (Nov 1, 2022 16:41:01 GMT -5)

All announcements from staff regarding the site, main plots, events, and more can be found here. This also hosts the sub-board for our high rank auditions, so be sure to check it out if you'd like to apply!

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89 threads / 923 posts
Blank Codes BY xvinn (Mar 4, 2023 16:37:49 GMT -5)

Ready to introduce yourself? You can do so in our introductions board! If you are an existing member and you'll be absent for some time, we also have a board for you to post your absence and how long you'll be gone. If you wish to play some games, you're also free to post here as often as you'd like! Finally, this area also plays host to our Member Boards, which are created for our members by request.

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531 threads / 669 posts
Aëron Legacy - New Medieval Fantasy RP! BY silvermist (Sept 22, 2024 21:28:17 GMT -5)

This board is guest friendly! If you wish to advertise your site, please do so using the appropriate sub-board. If you wish to become affiliated with us, you may post in the Affiliate Request thread located here.

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In order to avoid having very old threads on the site, we use the archives to store all old RP threads and OOC threads that are closed! They are sorted by year range, so if you're looking for something specific you should be able to find it!

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Character Corner

Character Corner

12 threads / 16 posts

This board houses the area where you will be creating your characters here on Fate, including non-player characters (NPCs)! After browsing our Name Suggestions list, as well as our Taken Names list, you probably have a pretty solid idea of where to start in writing your character biography. Please be sure to include all information needed in your applications - our Character Sheet is also located in this board, and it contains a bare-bones application code of all the information we're looking for. When posting an unfinished bio, be sure to post it in the WIP Bios sub-board, and then re-post in the Completed Bios sub-board when you finish.

Feel free to drop a message in our Discord to let staff know when your bio is completed!

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1,247 threads / 1,317 posts
Rainkit-- Gorgeclan BY Jos (Oct 2, 2022 13:52:03 GMT -5)

Once your character has been approved by two staff members (which you can see in the subtitle of your character's application), you're ready to roleplay on Fate! Your character's biography will be moved and sorted into the appropriate sub-board here once they've been added to all the necessary areas.

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224 threads / 574 posts

After you have created your character, you may find the desire to continue developing them or exploring them in different ways! You are more than welcome to use our Character Development board to explore your character to your heart's desire!

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In the midst of the sheer cliffs of a steep gorge is a wooded outcrop, like a forested island in the middle of a stony sea. With the island's only entrance being a rocky staircase beginning at the bottom of the gorge, it is easily defensible and well-hidden as well, thanks to skeletons of collapsed trees that are scattered around it. The island itself is a remarkable refuge, with plenty of spots for shelter as well as masses of thorny bushes that grow with particular density around the edges, forming a sort of natural safety barrier.

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Old growth, dead wood, exposed roots, lush boughs. The forests are choked with life in some areas, and stretched thin in others. A massive ravine splits the earth, paying no heed to the trees and plant-life that once had stable footing there. The forests slowly thin out to the southeast, giving way to a drier, rockier landscape.



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Like a well-protected secret, the Mossy Hollow is hidden away in the depths of the forest. Shifting earth revealed the entrance, which gives way to a refreshingly cool interior. Carpets of moss stretch across stone and soil cushions the walls and floor, providing a soft and private resting place.

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Damp here is the earth. All seasons are marked by wetness, whether it be the gently lapping shores of the lake, or the deep, peaty swampland to the north. Life is abundant. Mist routinely rolls in from the lake, obscuring the dark, wet woodlands with an air of mystery.



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An intricate maze of tunnels is concealed within the side of a deep, sturdy hill set squarely in the middle of the moorland territory. A huge boulder sits on the hilltop, a perfect vantage point for seeing anyone coming from any direction. The hillside dotted with the openings of tunnels face north toward the majority of the territory, where it will be impossible to miss any potential intruders.

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The land here undulates like waves, frozen and green. Tall grasses and high, lush hills set against a mountainous backdrop; warrens and dense networks of shrubbery; some sparse woodland and the narrow tail of a ravine. The Moors hold many hidden secrets.

Tribe Land

Tribe Land

1 threads / 2 posts

Located in a small, sheltered area between a split in one mountain. There are a couple of scraggly mountain trees growing around the fairly flat area. A pool of water has collected near the middle, kept cool even in the heat of the Time of Freed Water because of snow-melt. There is a safe and well-protected cave that is used as a community den for the Tribe. Near the rear of the cave is a smaller cave with a skylight and pool of water. Skyteller uses the pool to interpret the clouds reflected in the water for signs from the Tribe of Endless Hunting.

♛ 𝔽𝕒𝕓𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 Avatar
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The surrounding mountains loom over the valley, eternal and unchanged despite the disaster. Dotted with pine trees and various forests, as well as open and rocky spaces, the mountains are dwelled in by countless cats but claimed by none. The Tribe, loners and rogues make their homes here, as well as lurking dangers, so beware. The grave of the sacred Moon Tree, destroyed during the earthquake, resides high in the mountain slopes.

Other Places

Other Places

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Each Clan shares a border with their neighbors, and there are specific landmarks where the line is drawn. Borders may be subject to change, and the landmark where the border is drawn may be owned by both Clans or only one of them.

2 threads / 4 posts

Find out what is here by entering these unchartered landscapes.

Locations will be updated as they are discovered in-character.

♛ 𝔽𝕒𝕓𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 Avatar
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Find out what is here by entering these unchartered landscapes.

Locations will be updated as they are discovered in-character.



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A spiritual plane where deceased warriors live without pain. The perfect lands are a blend of different biomes to cater to the many different cats who dwell among them. In death, all Clan cats are united as one Clan, and exist in a world without borders, battle or hatred.

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Distinct from StarClan's territories, Tribe cats ascend to a different place when their lives end. Here, their spirits become one with the mountains and they exist in perfect harmony without pain or suffering. The Tribe of Endless Hunting speak as one to the Tribe's Healer, with each new soul joining the united cacophony.

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A misty plane where many lost spirits wander. Some wait here while it is decided whether or not a cat deserves to join StarClan's ranks, while others remain trapped, unable to find their way out of the mist. As you move through the shadowed mists, you can see the distant silhouettes of many cats walking towards an unknown destination. It is eerily silent here.

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A dark, shadowed place where those with the darkest hearts dwell in death. It is made up of rivers and marshes full of thick, dark slime and dead forests with crooked branches like bones. There is little food here, and what little there is amounts to rotten carrion. Cats wander desperate and hungry, fighting constantly for what remains.








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