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Stretching almost as far as the feline eye can see, is an enormous body of water. Where once a mighty river coursed through the valley, there is now a lake, aptly named for the thin layer of mist that the sunlight has not yet burned away. A wooded island is just visible to the south, near a smaller body of water. It is difficult to tell how deep the lake truly is, but any cat approaching can see that it is almost-clear closest to the muddy, stick-strewn shoreline.

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An island jutting out of the Misted Lake like a tick, it seems like unflattering imagery for a fragment of woodland but it is still almost idyllic after the calamitous events of the earthquake. A modest collection of sturdy trees rise up from the earth, and it is clear the hunting and fishing here will be excellent.

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The damage done to the valley has forced MistClan to seek food further downriver from their typical territories. With this exploration they have discovered a small freshwater beach with beautiful sandy banks that feel wonderful beneath the paws. The river next to this beach holds a population of new prey: crayfish. The rich sands along this beach also make a wonderful place for young cats to play. Apprentices will realise that the wet sand makes an excellent medium for making "shapes", as they say. Other freshwater shellfish such as clams can also be found here, which can make excellent decorations for nests.

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What was once the willow stream - a place of bounty for cats eager to fish for their Clan, and a place of privacy and sentiment for those of more romantic inclinations - has become a veritable labyrinth of roots. The earthquake and the fluctuations of the river have ripped away the soil, exposing an elaborate root system that puts into perspective just how old and how immense the willows truly are. Small fish can be glimpsed darting through pools shaded by the thickly tangled roots, and the water's depth fluctuates. Some places are shallow enough and clear enough to see straight through to the bottom, and cats can stand perfectly still with no fear of drowning.

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A forest of tall black pines and low, moisture-loving vegetation. Moss, lichen and fungi are plentiful here, as is prey of many varieties. It floods seasonally, making it uninhabitable for a time.

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A wide clearing where the trees are not so closely growing, the perpetual dampness of the marshes seem nonexistent here. Though the texture of the ground is a little uneven and rock-strewn from the events of the earthquake, there is breathing room aplenty for cats to practice battle moves or sun themselves. Those more accustomed to catching prey preferring dryer climates should find plenty of opportunities here as well.

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Matching the rest of the marsh's dark, rich brown and green hues, is a small water source. Well, small in relation to the likes of the Misted Lake; the water-lashed fronds, damp, fungus-encrusted trees and vegetation surrounding the lake suggest that it was once the oft-frequented Ambush Pond. Like the river, it too has swollen to something new, and already, life has returned to this new wet ecosystem. The water depth is decidedly deceiving, the lake's surface dark, steeped with plant matter, forest debris, and the things that call it home. The mud along its banks suggest one heavy step could have a cat momentarily stuck, but under drier conditions, would make a suitable place to rehydrate, cool off, and hunt anything else that uses this place as a source of water.

MistClan Territory

MistClan Territory

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created by Fate Admin
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last post by Fate Admin
May 2, 2020 16:20:35 GMT -5