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From the mountains, the earth abruptly splits, forming a ragged gorge that appears to be the origin of the crack that arcs across the moor like a scar. Trees are scattered along the top of the rocky area as well as below, which shelters the homes of prey that hide among rocks and brambles alike. An excellent resource for prey, it would also serve a medicine cat well - and apprentices, when gathering moss.

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The earthquake created a significant crack that splits through the middle of GaleClan territory with no easy way to cross the steep gorges - except here, on the Step. A section of hard rock and earth collapsed here, creating a secure connection between the split moorland. It is a little uneven, but even elders and young apprentices would easily be able to cross. Below the steep rock face weaves a stream in the gorge, which comes out of the mountain and through the Shaded Gorge, and continues on underneath the Step and toward the Misted Lake - just another reason the Step is the best and safest place to cross the split moorlands.

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A collection of massive boulders that have settled at the base of the mountain, the Rockpile is a great place to practice climbing skills, as well as being an excellent lookout place to see other cats that may be crossing the Step. Some prey likes to hide among the gaps between the stones as well as the gorse-spotted area around it, but there are also dangers present - in the form of the occasional snake as well as airborne predators like hawks and eagles.

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Deceptively beautiful, the Rainbow Springs are a collection of eight small pools that are rich with yellows, greens, and blues. The center of these pools is deep - deeper than a cat can see - which hints at the true nature of this area that might otherwise be lovely. Steam can often be seen rising from the surface of the water, and if an unfortunate soul were to fall in they'd hardly have time to cry for help before they'd meet their end. However, this deadly place does have one useful purpose - the pools are an excellent way to dispose of dirty moss used by sick cats, as well as sick or rotting prey and any other dangerous materials.

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Several flat stones and large boulders are scattered across the stretch of moorland here, acting almost as a natural barrier between two halves of GaleClan territory. Scattered around the stones are gorse bushes, heather, and tall grass that contain many hiding places for prey. The sun-warmed stones attract both predator and prey alike though, so be careful.

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The damp, peaty earth in this area should tell you this place sees water regularly. The tall grasses shield a shallow dip in the earth where water tends to collect - rain water, to be precise. When it rains, water collects in this area, so it shrinks and expands naturally according to the weather. This pool tends to flood in Newleaf, dry up in mid- to late-Greenleaf, and collect some rain water here and there in Leaf-fall until everything freezes in Leafbare. An unreliable water source, but a water source all the same.

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Close to the base of the mountain, the moorland turns thicker and grassier, and soon it develops into an area lush with herbs. Here is where you find many types of wildflowers growing: Small white ones dotted together with lovely purple blooms, all creating quite an aesthetically-pleasing atmosphere, if not downright romantic. The hunting seems good here with the richer plant life, but medicine cats should be conscious of prey animals chewing up valuable herbs.

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In an open area surrounded by gorse bushes, there lies the scattered remains of an area that was almost surely the Open Woods that served as the border between TreeClan and LightningClan. Almost everything has collapsed; branches are everywhere and several trunks are half-destroyed and lying on their sides all across the open moor. Amazingly, one tree has survived the devastation - a large, full-leafed creature that stands alone in the middle of the open area. Because it's the only thing standing tall in this area, it's more than likely it will be struck by lightning at some point in the future. Or maybe it will simply serve as a reminder that although LightningClan will never be the same again, not even an earthquake could fully destroy it.

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A vast expanse of tunnels runs beneath LightningClan territory, made up mostly of rabbit warrens. LightningClan uses them for various purposes, including surrounding an invading enemy without them ever knowing.

GaleClan Territory

GaleClan Territory

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created by Fate Admin
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last post by Fate Admin
May 2, 2020 16:20:35 GMT -5